Contact Us

Customer Enquiries

Telephone: 01582 787377

Sales Enquires:
Customer Services:

Opening Hours:

Please note that there is no showroom or shop at our head office in Dunstable, so unfortunately it is not open to the public.

Find Your Nearest Fitting Centre

Click here to view contact details for each of our approved fitting centres.

Become an Approved Fitting Centre

We are interested in talking to any potential fitting centres in the UK. Please call 01582 787377 or email

Click here to read more about becoming a Carnoisseur Approved Fitting Centre.

Potential Suppliers

We are always looking for new and interesting products for our range. They must be of high quality and UK legal. Products are reviewed and selected throughout the year therefore do not hesitate to contact us at any time to discuss your range.

You can contact us at Head Office, our details are as follows:
5a Brittany Court
High Street South
United Kingdom

Telephone: 01582 787377

Click here to add Carnoisseur to your contacts.

Please note that our limited company name is N C Marketing Limited (limited company number 06765622), and we trade as Carnoisseur.

Contact Form

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